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Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering are routine surgical procedures performed at our clinic. This surgery – castration for males and ovariohysterectomy for females – takes place under general anesthesia and is done with a laser to minimize discomfort and ensure an easier recovery for your pet.

See the Surgical Procedures page for more information about our surgical procedures offered.

Is there an ideal age for spaying/neutering my pet?

Although many pet owners have their pets spayed or neutered at a young age, studies have shown that it’s best to use the animal's size and breed as indicators to ensure their growth is not impaired. If you want to spay or neuter your pet, your vet will help you determine the best time for the operation.

Why should I have my pet spayed/neutered?

Besides helping to control animal overpopulation, spaying or neutering also extends your pet’s life expectancy. Studies have shown that spayed/neutered animals live an average of two years longer than animals that are not fixed.

Spaying/neutering also significantly reduces the risk of developing certain tumours or diseases related to the reproductive organs, in both males and females.

Neutering can also help if your male pet often exhibits unpleasant behaviours when females are in heat, such as urinary marking, running away and aggressiveness.

In females, spaying eliminates heat cycles and any related bleeding.

Is it mandatory to spay/neuter my pet?

This varies by municipality, but in Montréal, it is mandatory to spay/neuter all cats, dogs and rabbits over six months of age since January 1, 2020. There are some exceptions, such as a medical contraindication or if the animal will be used for breeding.

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